"From your basic donut to a decadent pastry, there’s a video for every need and desire."
When it comes to marketing videos, we get it. Whether you’re marketing a product, a service, your community involvement, an event, or employment opportunities, we’ve got you covered. Put it on You Tube, Vimeo, your website, social media, e-mail, text…think of it and you can effectively use your marketing video in multiple places and applications.
A challenge many companies have is providing their staff with consistent and easily accessible training. A well structured video training program solves the issue and enhances the educational platform. Training videos can be watched in class settings, or from home or office, and feature company owners and management to help bring the feeling of community to the workplace. Training videos are amazingly effective for operations with multiple locations and/or a limited training staff. Big Joe’s hands on experience as a business owner and contract corporate trainer provide tremendous insight on how to develop sensible, effective programs
With nonprofits, the story is everything. When competing against thousands of other great causes, presenting a clear, heartfelt presentation of what you do, why you do it, and where it goes is essential. Many nonprofits find a sponsor that handles the production costs and the video can then be used for years to help bring awareness and generate the funds to keep up the great work.
Television advertising is far more affordable than most people think. By targeting specific demographics and physical locations, 30-second spots can be purchased for as little as $ 10.00. Pro Video Source can help you establish all of that and produce a video that speaks to your audience. We’ll even help you with the spot buying process with the Cable Company or network.
“I’ve been using this product for years and I feel great” Marcia B.
Does anyone actually believe these made up written testimonials? Time to up your game and produce your own video testimonials! Real people, telling real stories that potential client’s can relate too. We make it easy and comfortable for everyone. No lines to memorize or read, no pressure, and extremely casual. The third party verification your business needs at an affordable price.
Whether you are having an event that you want to promote, or an event that took place that you want to share with the world, there is no better way than video. With the power of social media, getting eyes on your effort has never been easier. (As an example, our nonprofit ran a 30-second video no Facebook for two weeks for $ 90.00. It went to over 5,500 people and had over 4,500 full views!)
Crowd Funding
Having a top notch video is essential to the success of any crowd funding project. Sharing your enthusiasm and energy, along with your brilliant and ambitious project that gets people’s interest is critical.
One of the best ways to build brand and an audience is with a video series. Providing people with your expert tips and insight create a bond that leads to business. This is where the creativity of Pro Video Source becomes your greatest ally. We know that the first place people go when trying to figure something out is You Tube. We know that businesses that have created a series of ‘how-to” videos get more than their fair share of new business because of it. We can help you from start to finish with creative concepts and practical production.
Customer Service
Imagine your customer support staff having a library of videos that not only answer the most common questions, but also shows your customers how to fix the problem. Whether it's fixing an issue with a lawnmower or utilizing new software, it's as simple as e-mailing a link.
Sizzle Reels
For actors, comedians, and musicians, landing gigs and finding representation typically requires a short performance sizzle reel. Pro Video Source can film you at the club, or at a location of your choosing. Quick, professional turnaround that shows the right people what you do.
Video Resumes
Want to stand out in the job hunting jungle? Look no further than a video resume. Show people who you are and what you can offer in a way no PDF can touch.