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Client: C.B. Datsby

Project: Product Marketing

Product: CBD Muscle Gel

Length: 60-seconds

Story; Client wanted a high energy fact paced clip targeting active people dealing with various pain issues.

Client: Unlimited Sunshine Festival

Project: Event promotion

Product: Nonprofit event

Length: 30-seconds

Story; This video was promoted on Facebook for just $ 90.00. Video went to over 6,000 users and had over 4,500 full views. 

Client: Summit Sales Training

Project: New client teaser engagement videos

Product: Sales Training

Length: 2:30

Story; The client wanted to show why sales training often fails and uses poor golf instruction as an analogy. 

Client: Vintage Tap

Project: Marketing

Product: N/A

Length: 2 minutes 37-seconds

Story; The very cool story of a bar and music venue as told by it's owner. 

Client: Naked Hair Salon

Project: Marketing/Social

Product: Locks of Love

Length: 5 minutes 17 seconds

Story; Client and business team up to make a donation to locks of love.

Client: The Troika Marketing Group

Project: Television spot

Product: LaVida Massage

Length: 15-seconds

Story; Television spot to promote massage during the holiday season.

Client: The Green Market

Project: Marketing/Community

Product: Summer Market

Length: 3 minutes 39 seconds seconds

Story; Why Delray Beach's Green Market is so amazing as told by vendors and customers. 

Client: betterhaff

Project: Product Promotion

Product: Sleep

Length: 60-seconds

Story; Client wanted a fun, engaging, yet peaceful introduction to an all natural product for women designed to assist with sleep.

Client: BioGeneis

Project: Testimonials/Promotional

Product: Nutritional supplement

Length: 3 minutes 4 seconds

Story; We flew to London to interview one of the nations most successful cross fit teams and learn about the product they use to gain the edge on their competition. 

Client: C.B. Datsby

Project: Marketing

Product: Manufacturing process

Length: 60-seconds

Story; Client wanted to promote and show their clients and potential clients how their products are manufactured. 

Client: C.B. Datsby

Project: Customer Service/Training

Product: N/A

Length: 1 minute 56 seconds

Story; A video that shows users how to utilize social media in their own marketing efforts. Customer support sent this link to clients inquiring on the subject. Video was also posted in online training center. 

Client: Edible Palm Beach

Project: Celebrity appearance/Promotional 

Product: Edible Palm Beach magazine 

Length: 1 minute 11-seconds

Story; Rocks star chef Daniel Boulud shares his love for locally grown/organic farm products from Swank farms. 

Client: Evolution Sports Expo

Project: Event marketing/Promotional 

Product: Expo insight

Length: 60-seconds

Story; Client wanted a high energy clip that shared the many facets of the their sports expo. 

Client: Shapiro Wine

Project: Crowd Funding

Product: Sederade sports beverage

Length: 1 minute 23 seconds

Story; A humorous series of videos to raise funds for a new Passover beverage from Shapiro wines. This video features actor/comedian Gil Tucker. 

Client: Derek Wolf

Project: Actor Reel

Product: Acting Services

Length: 1 minute 40 seconds

Story; Derek is an aspiring actor that wanted to provide agents and potential stage/screen opportunities with a showing of his talents. 

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